Lifeboat Ethics For Compassionate Conservatives?

There are no Compassionate Conservatives in lifeboats… or anywhere else. Confronted with the ethics of other in a lifeboat of their own making, five “leaders” tell it like it is. . . In Alfred Hitchcock’s classic 1944 film, Lifeboat, a few British and U.S. civilians, a German combatant, and a couple merchant marines are stuck in a lifeboat* together after their ship …


Of all the teachings of Jesus, no one thing has been so confused as his promise to come back in person to this world. Here’s the truth of the matter.

Cosmological Questions For Lunch.

Day 24,510 On This Planet But first: Remember:  On average, stars are no closer together than say, a dozen oranges would be at maximum equidistance from each other inside the volume of the sphere of the earth. Please answer, if you can: Where and or how did time and space originate? Who (or what) created the universe(s)? What is reality? What is life, and how …

Good Friday — Death On The Cross

The entire idea of the “ransom of the atonement” places salvation upon a plane of unreality.

Kiss Your Church Goodbye.

CALL 911:  THIS CHURCH IS ON FIRE FOR GOD! Save yourself, serve yourself World serves its own needs, Listen to your heart bleed Dummy with the rapture And the revered and the right, right You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright light, Feeling pretty psyched It’s the end of the world as we know it It’s the end of the world …


The Pope’s Ruby Slippers hadn’t even gathered a bit of dust before funny hats started being tossed into the ring for next pope.