One half the world is grasping eagerly for the light of truth and the facts of scientific discovery, while the other half languishes in the arms of ancient superstition and but thinly disguised magic.


Welcome to the premiere edition of Urantian Sojourn Magazine, our latest effort at simultaneously blogging ourselves into oblivion, and regaining some semblance of a life fairly balanced between work and play.  Here’s what we have in mind. Our “Table of Contents” below shows you what’s in this issue so far;  starting out, we anticipate publishing just the cover story, hoping …


Not hot off the presses:  Urantian Sojourn Magazine will debut soon, watch this spot. It’s a back to our roots via the blog thing, and yeah, we’re excited— just not blessed with enough time to getter done a month in advance. The original Urantian Sojourn Magazine was born in the tumultuous summer of 1990, as a satirical-political spear in the …


Holy effin’ balance sheets! “Accounting professors” kicking the asses off “art professors” when it comes to knowing God?!? Who knew…

Insanity Sunday: Glenn Beck Explains Satan And Lucifer For Third Graders

“I’m hoping the guy with horns doesn’t actually show up, but he could.” . . . And monkeys in jumpsuits might fly out your butt, too, Glenn.

Humble Hubble Pie In The Sky

“And the patch of sky was no bigger than a grain of sand held out at arm’s length.”

Consider The Orchids…

“Consider the [orchids], how they grow;  they toil not, neither do they spin;  yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.  If God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is cut down and cast into the fire, how much more shall he clothe …