The New York Times is reporting that Bear Stearns has agreed to be bought out by JP Morgan Chase. Alan Greenspan writes in the Financial Times that this current financial crisis is likely the worst since WWII. Wall Street is LAYING AWAKE WITH HORSE EYE waiting for what might come next. And that dick in the White House says: “As …

Bush Would Volunteer For War If He Were Younger And Unemployed

In a March 13th videoconference call, President Bush surprised U.S. military and civilian personnel as well as recently returning veterans of the Afghanistan War with his wistful responses. “I must say, I’m a little envious,” Bush said. “If I were slightly younger and not employed here, I think it would be a fantastic experience to be on the front lines …

Republicans For Valdemort

Like the “Death Eaters” in the Harry Potter saga, the Repugs have done everything they can to suck the life out of the commonweal, exemplified by Grover Norquist‘s pledge to shrink the (social services part of the) government down to the point where it can be drowned in a bathtub. Ever since Reagan took office in 1981, they’ve been hell …

Was Jesus a Muslim?

Or Obama, because he was photographed wearing a turban? Obama (right) wearing Turban and Somali Robes Of course not, since Islam didn’t come into existence for another six centuries or so. Did Bush wear a turban? Yeah, but does anyone care? Did Jesus wear a turban? Most likely, since turbans were far more than a fashion accessory for the Semites …

Unmarking the Beast

Well, that didn’t take long. Crooks and Liars spoofs the Repugs FISA amendment scare ad with this: Lesson learned. The way to deal with the propagation of “unreasoned fear” is to refute it with something positive before it has time to fully wrap it tendrils around the lizard brain, aka “the mark of the beast.” Any discernible differences between those …

Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.

Check out this latest ad from the Rethugs designed to scare us out of our liberties and place Bush and his corporate fascist buddies above the law. Unreasoned fear is a master intellectual fraud practiced upon the evolving mortal soul. -The Urantia Book UPDATE. . .