Dupes And Dolts

The Colbert Report Tags: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive   With all the confusion about who’s who and who’s doing what in Libya and whether regime change is the real goal or not. When even The Newtster says bomb one day then cries that we should never gotten involved in the first place, thank the Gods …

Daffy Qadaffy Flashback

Remember the good old days when the Bush Administration embraced Daffy Qaddafi and brought him back into the Brotherhood of Nations, a mere 30 months ago? What went wrong? Did he insult Kenya somehow, and by extension, President Obama‘s extended family? Surely former Secretary of State Condi Rice would answer a call to duty from her current president to help …

Hey Kids…

We are, right now, living in an amazing moment of history. And this moment has happened because the youth around the world have decided they’ve had enough. Young people are in revolt — and it’s about time.


In free enterprise America, you can go shopping for and purchase an angry mob. I don’t mean just a few “action figures,” either.

Afutilestan XII (Letterman Update)

A new poll conducted by ICOS among young men of fighting age in two of Afghanistan’s most violent provinces shows that 92% of them never heard of 9/11. Democracy Now sums it up: Attacks In other news from Afghanistan, a new public opinion poll of young Afghan men in Kandahar and Helmand provinces has been released by the International Council …


Some borderline sentients think dressing up like Nazis is just good fun. And nobody has more fun in the run-up to the midterms than the Republican Tea Party.

Pirate Cap’n Rupert Sets Course For Hell

If you are earning more than a million dollars a year and are complaining about a 3.6% tax increase, then you are by definition, a greedy asshole…