Evolution Of Wingnut Deception Routines

“Look out behind you!” – An ancestral Rethuglican deception ploy The ability of primates to deceive a perceived competitor for access to resources or mates conferred obvious survival advantages on those who mastered it. So successful were the results that their victims had to develop effective countermeasures. In time, they evolved the ability to detect physiological clues– facial expressions, vocal …

Anti-Obama Buckaroos

Sean “Horse Apples” Hannity and Bill “Tiny Gerkin” OReilly are two Irish Blagards who would love to see President Obama destroy America, just so they could say “I told you so.” But if you can overlook that snit of insanity, you have to admit, they’re just too cute not to like, aren’t they?

Why I Love Michelle Bachmann

Michelle Bachmann bravely reporting from behind enemy lines Over the last thirty years, the Ruling Class has funded right wing Republican think tanks to perfect the art of political propaganda. Ronald “the Great Communicator” Reagan was the perfect choice to kick off this new media era. During his acting career, Ronnie use to broadcast fake-live baseball games by reading ticker …


The disease is a variant in the family of tic disorders, and is sometimes referred to as Noggin’ Turrets…

Merry Holidays

“Merry Christmas” militant Ms. Betty Fiobles waits for local authorities. FAIRFAX WALMART — Betty Irene Fiobles of East Dour drove to the Fairfax Walmart in a snit of Christmassy cheer Wednesday, but that cheer was quickly and brutally put to death by a renegade Walmart greeter, who savaged her by blithely uttering, “Merry Holidays.” Fiobles snapped, shouting,  “How dare you!” …

The Savage Weiner Goes Limp

Talk show host Michale Savage with John McSame during happier times “…[I]t’s a fraud, its a racket…I’ll tell you what autism is. In 99 percent of the cases, it’s a brat who hasn’t been told to cut the act out. That’s what autism is.” – Michael Savage, 7/16/08 Nationally syndicated right wing radio talk show host and hate monger Michael …