The Worst Type of Coward

Beatings, partial drownings, slamming detainees against walls, punching, kicking, poisonous stinging insects, forced nudity, sleep deprivation, profound disruption of sensory input, exposure to extreme cold and heat, all of it was so very necessary in prying loose information the psychopathic former vice president claims would have been used to keep us snug and secure at night when we climb into our cozy beds, and he slides back into his box of sacred dirt. . .

Their Days Of Freedom Are Numbered

Right now, Dick and George may still be enjoying their fun in the sun, barbecuing kittehs; but those days are numbered. The chances they’ll be arrested and charged with war crimes are growing stronger every day. . . Because people are starting to understand the things they said. . . [youtube][/youtube] “Let’s roll,” indeed.

Strange Bedfellows

You can live with each other, you just can’t be married.   “And who knows which is which, and who is who” —Pink Floyd   The long evolutionary heritage of religion has always been inextricably linked with the forms and functions of the evolution of government.  Long ago, the early tribal shamans were the go-to guys for all the practices …

Bush’s New Book

Apparently, disgraced former president George W. Bush is being given a $7 million dollar advance to write a memoir of his disastrous eight years in office, titled Decision Points. Two suggestions for W. First, since you have no credibility outside your small circle of narcissist enablers, you should consider a subtitle that has at least has an air of truth …

Let’s Be Clear. . .

This is a And this wanker is the Even so, Of Americans think he’s a gift from They are simply So.  If we want to do the Thing— then we had better UP—  And Soon. Because when Shows up it will be to turn our world into a burned out cinder.

The Divine Light of Justice

Do we, as a nation, as a race of human beings, desire to live by the rule of law and the ways of justice? Then we must actually live our lives accordingly, and demand that our elected officials do so as well. If there is no accounting, there is no justice.

Sunday Huff Poop

Not possessing the steely intestinal constitution of the heroic Driftglass, I simply cannot breakfast on the barf of Sunday morning hurl coming outa the teevee talking head mouse circus, as only he can.  So I seldom miss reading what he draws from that frothy culture muck-pit.  It’s just one more great reason why he’s in a class by himself, and …