TrumPenstein Redux (Updated)

But now that the Trumpestein monster has broken his restraints and left the table, marauding across the countryside and terrorizing the peasants (cue music: The Monster Mash…it caught on in a flash.), the GOP is forced to reanimate the issue.

Teh Stupid: Donald Trump Replaces Sarah Palin

Trump is rapidly proving that he is only too competent to replace Palin as the embodiment of Teh Stupid.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Part 1

“This might be seen as a sign that the American right has finally crossed the border into looney-land.” Perhaps observations from the field of cognitive science, the Dunning-Kruger effect, can help explain why.

The Powell Memo: Part II

It’s been a pretty straight line from the Powell Manifesto, to Citizens United, to the rise of anonymous billionaire financed Superpacs. As the crowded GOP presidential race has shown, there are no shortage of opportunists willing to prostitute themselves for a place at the table.

Carpet Bombing Agrabah

41% of Donald Trump supporters support the bombing of the city of “Agrabah.” Unfortunately for them, the strategic value of same would be nil, since Agrabah was the capital of Princess Jasmine’s homeland in the animated Disney cartoon, “Alladin.” Ted Cruz voters prefer it be carpet bombing, to see if they could “make the sand glow in the dark.”

Christie’s Seance Detente

During Tuesday’s GOP presidential debate, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie called President Obama a “feckless weakling, ” and promised to initiate a novel form of seance detente to destroy ISIS/ISIL/Daesh

The Shocking Truth About Donald Trump

In John Carpenter’s classic 1988 sci-fi movie They Live, a race of evil aliens has secretly taken over the planet. They maintain control by broadcasting stealth radio frequencies that not only makes them look like human members of the ruling class, but encodes subliminal messages into various advertising media to manipulate the populace, commanding them to obey, consume, and reproduce. . .