Republicans Eating Their Own, Update V

The Wasilla Hillbillies As Sarah’s gleaming White House carriage turns into a rotting pumpkin, this edition of Republicans Eating Their Own comes with the revelation that Sarah spent a wee bit more than $150k on clothes for herself, First Dude, and their adorable kids. Newsweek reports that: “…Palin’s shopping spree at high-end department stores was more extensive than previously reported. …

McHoover On Wall Street Meltdown: We’ll Study It

Sarah Palin holding Trig, while Willow and Piper keep mom upright. First, a little context. When our self-proclaimed CEO president, George W. Bush took office the week of January 22, 2001, the Dow Jones Industrial average was 10,659. Yesterday, it closed 50 points under that. Bill Clinton left a budget surplus of over $250 billion. Bush will leave office with …

Bush Finally Helping

Some are calling it “Too little too late,” while others are reflexively saying, “Better late than never.” Either way, everyone seems to be gathering strength from the simple calendrical fact that the worst disaster in American presidential history is approaching its scheduled end. We’re talking of course, of the Bush Preznincy, currently inflicting its last several months on a weary …

Bush: Flushed With Success?

San Francisco voters have, in an upcoming election, the opportunity to name a prominent civic structure after the current president. George W. Bush, whom many historians consider to be the worst president in US history, is nonetheless being singled out for the honor of having his name engraved on a building overlooking the beautiful Pacific Ocean. If the measure passes, …

Urantian Sojourn Magazine

Pursuing The Right: Inside this Week’s Urantian Sojourn Magazine Oooh you’re so jaded! Not the neocon “right,” you silly jelly beans, but the real “Right,” as in the Right Stuff.~ This week’s headliners tell the story of real love between the Obamas, the kind of love that we all search for; real love, given freely, without conditions. The Love that …

The Obama Zeitgeist

Hillary Clinton missed the zeitgeist, while Barack Obama not only recognized and embraced it, but due in large part to his diverse cultural and racial background, actually embodies it. Barack’s message of Hope and Change found greater resonance in the Democratic electorate than Hillary’s message of Experience and Leadership. The latter no doubt polled well in Mark Penn‘s focus groups, …

Mortals Petition God For New Hell Policy

[M]ercy may be lavish, but justice is precise. —The Urantia Book IN A MOTION filed with the Universe Supreme Court yesterday, a group of mortals from the planet Urantia petitioned the Creator to revise his original plans and set aside at least one world for the eternal damnation of George W. Bush and his allies. “We know that the nature …