Godzilla From Wasilla Meets The Texas Outlaw

More than once in my travels in Alaska, people brought up, without prompting, the question of Palin’s extravagant self-regard.  Several told me, independently of one another, that they had consulted the definition of “narcissistic personality disorder” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders— “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of …

Funambulist In Chief

Despite receiving a thumbs up from a number of conservative foreign policy observers, and the public at large, for his handling of the current Iranian domestic turmoil, the wingers seem to have settled on a narrative that President Obama has been too timid in his response to same. It was a theme dutifully picked up by the MSM at Tuesday’s …

Terrified Beyond The Capacity For Rational Thought (Updated)

Newt Gingrich as the avenging Sumerian god, Gozer the Traveler In their devastating November 4th defeat at the hands of an inexperienced, junior senator from Illinois, the Rethuglicans are in desperate search of a leader, someone that can match the intelligence, boldness, charm, and overwhelming popularity of Barack Hussein Obama. While their own humiliated presidential candidate, the anachronistic John McCain …

Their Days Of Freedom Are Numbered

Right now, Dick and George may still be enjoying their fun in the sun, barbecuing kittehs; but those days are numbered. The chances they’ll be arrested and charged with war crimes are growing stronger every day. . . Because people are starting to understand the things they said. . . [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YwYaNkjkEc&NR=1[/youtube] “Let’s roll,” indeed.

Torture In Context

Demonstrating an “enhanced interrogation technique” In 1999, Bush‘s family biographer, Mickey Herskowitz, reports that W. told him he was intent on invading Iraq, saying that his status as a war time president would give him enough political capital to push through his conservative domestic agenda. (That would include the privatization of social security whose blood rich corpse would be served …

Judge Bybee Update: NY Times Calls For Impeachment

Judge Bybee wearing missing part of his judge’s robe The NY Times has an editorial today calling for the impeachment of Judge Jay “Dungeon Master” ByBee: To read the four newly released memos on prisoner interrogation written by George W. Bush’s Justice Department is to take a journey into depravity. Their language is the precise bureaucratese favored by dungeon masters …


Now that Bush the War Criminal President has been sequestered behind the federally funded gate on the dead end street in Preston Hollow or whatever the fuck the place is called, conservative revisionists are hard at work trying to erase the reality of the last eight years. And the good toads who were paid to wrap Teh Chimp in pleasing graphics during his campaigns hate to see their good gravy dry up, so they’re marketing a bunch of useless crap to squeeze whatever blood they can out of the 22 percenters who are teh stoopid enough to buy it.