What A Cool Extraterrestrial Alien Would Actually Say If One Made Contact With Us

SINCE EARTHLINGS LACK the means of expedient intergalactic travel, formal contact with extraterrestrial alien life from other worlds will necessarily be their choice. This implies they really have a reason for contacting us, since they could have made contact whenever they wanted. Maybe.

Thank God it’s Friday.

Unless, of course, you don’t believe in God. In that case, thank the total chance existence of a great sequencer of an apparently infinite number of sequential moments of reality that, lucky for us, somehow attaches to— and brings forth out of nothing?— the individual consciousness of billions of sentient beings on this planet, and no doubt many trillions more …

The Birth Of Jesus of Nazareth

Joshua Ben Joseph (Jesus) was born at noon, August 21, 7 B.C. But it’s impossible to get into the “Christmas” spirit in August, so we don’t even try.



The Apostle Matthew Levi

MATTHEW LEVI  •  Terry Kruger Jesus the Son of God was a man among men, and the men closest to him were twelve diverse, unique personalities of that day.  The Bible and apocrypha contain scant few historical insights concerning these men;  until the appearance of The Urantia Book in 1955, almost nothing was known about their personal natures, not excepting …

The Apostle Simon Zelotes: Simon The Zealot

Simon Zelotes was a fiery agitator— and also a man who spoke much without thinking. . .

The Creation Of Adam’s Apple

Be with you in a minute, Dad The Bible assumes that God created Adam as a fully developed man. But per the passage below from The Urantia Book, re “circular simultaneity,” what Michelangelo saw in his mind’s eye as he contemplated Genesis’ account of the creation of the first man, could be but a snapshot in the non-linear cycle of creation …