Bachmann-Boehner Overdrive

…the new speaker-boner of the Republicans, John Boehner, appears ready to take on Bachmann obliquely, with a sharp smear at her erratic makeup skills by flaunting his own hot new look.

Scary Halloween Post-Election Thought

John of Orange, recessive gene carrier of the long extinct Orange race* Given that the electoral odds strongly favor a Rethug takeover of the House of Representatives this Tuesday; and given the John Boner will likely become the Speaker of the House (like I learned in Catholic grade school: when two vowels go a walkin’, the first one does the …


Some borderline sentients think dressing up like Nazis is just good fun. And nobody has more fun in the run-up to the midterms than the Republican Tea Party.


Sharron Angle, Michele Bachmann, and Sarah Palin are the reigning supremely stupid. Unless you have been on another planet, you already know we are in one of our nation’s— even the world’s— most critical transitional periods.  And every day now, we learn more about many of our so-called “leaders,” as they increasingly expose themselves as incompetent, corrupt, and unqualified to …

They Will Be Assimilated

Note:  We’re having a weird WP problem with our latest posts.  If you don’t see a picture here, you wont be able to tell us— because comments stopped working too.  —FRACK! If the Borg ever show up on our planet, Urantia, seeking to absorb intelligent life into their corporate, hive like mind, our best chance of survival is to offer …

BP’s A-Team Tackles Oilmaggedon

I suspected something like this was going on all along… In other developments in what some people are considering to be earth’s first human caused extinction level event: 1. The US government has issued a new (soon to be revised) estimate for the amount of oil gushing out of the Macondo well head. Having uncritically accepted BP’s original estimate of …

The Pinocchio Principle

The party of “family values” has become the lock-step party of “NO!” values; has become the purveyors of lies, selfishness, cowardice, and designing hypocrisy. . .