Teh Other

A large swath of the American public— led by ratings-mad media mavens and immoral politicians like Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin— has declared all-out war on “the Other”. . .

Pandering To Radicals (Update)

Newtie panders to the radical right by growing another right hand In the histrionic debate over whether a group of Sufi Muslims can or should build a community center with a prayer room a couple of blocks from Ground Zero, President Obama’s articulation of their constitutionally guaranteed right to do so over the weekend has got Newtie Gingrich‘s panties in …

Right Into The Stranger Zone

If you’ve ever wondered why Teabagger and Nevada senatorial candidate Sharron Angle runs from the media even at her own press conferences, this interview with Fux News’ Carl Cameron provides a hint:

BP Unleashes Obama Derangement Volcano

Geraldo Rivera interviewing Moonbat Bachmann on Fux News Ever since Rep. Joe Barton apologized to BP CEO Tony Hayward for having to endure a “shakedown” by the White House when they agreed to set up a $20b escrow fund to compensate man and nature for unleashing an oil volcano in the Gulf of Mexico, the winger noise machine has taken …

Newt To The Rescue

Newt Returns To Save America In my post a year ago, Terrified Beyond The Capacity For Rational Thought, I wrote: Make no mistake about it. Like the angry Sumerian god Gozer the Traveler, who made a dramatic comeback after being temporarily forced into inter-dimensional exile by the Proton Pack wielding Ghostbusters, Newtie is back with a vengeance… All Newtie has …

Let Them Eat Fake (Update)

Rachel Maddow lists the fake news that shapes the wingnut world Climate gate, the ACORN scandal, death panels, President Obama’s fake birth certificate, his evil plan to repeal the second amendment and even prevent people from going fishing, the plan to hire thousands of armed IRS agents to enforce health care reform– all bull, as Rachel politely puts it. Other …

Wingnut Woodstock: The Sequel (Update)

A Foxbot eagerly awaiting his marching orders Following up on last year’s preview of the annual gathering of  CPAC convention, this year’s keynote speaker is none other than Glenn Beck. Other featured speakers include Dick Armey, John Ashcroft, Rep. Michele Bachmann, John Bolton, Andrew Breitbart, Tucker Carlson, Liz Cheney, Ann Coulter, Sen. Jim DeMint, Wayne LaPierre, and Newt Gingrich. That’s …