Frankenly Speaking

Well, Norm, the jokes on you Just want to congratulate Al Franken not only for his hard won victory per today’s MN Supreme Court ruling; but for the political class he has showed during the whole sorry-ass, post-election ordeal. Hard to think of another US senator, let alone a rookie, who has been the target of so much Rethuglican obstructionism, …

This Week In Teh Crazy

When Michelle Bachmann is even too much for Glenn Beck The leaderless Rethuglican Party has no shortage of members eager to grab headlines with ever more outrageous claims and demonizations of the Democrats and President Obama. And I am not referring here to the kind of vitriol vomited out daily by the demented talking heads of professional right wing media. …

Funambulist In Chief

Despite receiving a thumbs up from a number of conservative foreign policy observers, and the public at large, for his handling of the current Iranian domestic turmoil, the wingers seem to have settled on a narrative that President Obama has been too timid in his response to same. It was a theme dutifully picked up by the MSM at Tuesday’s …

The War On Empathy (Update 1)

Having failed in their previous wars—the war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on anything not right wing crazy, the Rethugs have launched a new one—the war on empathy.

Cheney Agrees To Star In Memento Remake

Dick Cheney reprising the role of Guy Pearce So where are you?  You’re in some motel room underground bunker. You just – you just wake up and you’re in – in a motel room bunker. There’s the key. It feels like maybe it’s just the first time you’ve been there, but perhaps you’ve been there for a week, three months. …

Crusaders R’ Us

Early on in the American occupation of Iraq, gruesome video of Americans being beheaded by their captors surfaced, fueling worldwide outrage against the perpetrators. A thousand years earlier, Christian crusaders, laying siege to fortified Muslim cities, used as missiles for their catapults the severed heads of Muslims.

Obama To Chrsyler Hedge Funds: Stick It

With everybody on board except a few hedge fund “speculators” who bought Chrysler debt at a steep discount, President Obama just announced that, despite trying to avoid a Chapter 11 bankruptcy (including offering these greedy bastards another $250 million at the last moment to avoid it), a bankruptcy restructuring was the only way to save the company and  10,000s of …