Terrified Beyond The Capacity For Rational Thought (Updated)

Newt Gingrich as the avenging Sumerian god, Gozer the Traveler In their devastating November 4th defeat at the hands of an inexperienced, junior senator from Illinois, the Rethuglicans are in desperate search of a leader, someone that can match the intelligence, boldness, charm, and overwhelming popularity of Barack Hussein Obama. While their own humiliated presidential candidate, the anachronistic John McCain …

Wishin’ Anda Hopin’

Buried under a foot and a half of snow will get you wishing and hoping for the warm sunny days of the future.  Especially a future with Sarah Palin and some other wingnut candidate of what’s left of the GOP, running against Barack Obama. Not only will it ensure his second term, but the full exploration of her support of …

Meghan Like, McModerate

O’HURLAHEE’S PUB — Surrounded by Eric Cartman-like WingNut ugly dolls drinking green beer is not Michael Steele’s idea of reaching out to moderates. It’s Megan McCain’s. “I know I’ve like become controversial and my statements are like controversial, but I wouldn’t be on this bar like in my panties if I didn’t think it was important. Period.”

Wingnut Woodstock

Ironic that the national security state infrastructure that Darth Cheney, Alberto Gonzalez, and W put in place might just be used against their ideological ilk.

More Bad News From The Great White North

Well.  It’s what she does up there, now isn’t it. * * (Photo credit— unknown)

Palin Brings Crock to Georgia

WASILLA — With the dust and turkey stench not even dry cleaned out of the GOP’s clothes from her last public debacle, Sarah Palin is scheduled to troll for votes in Georgia for Senator Saxby Chambliss, the GOP’s dead ringer for Crocker Jarmon…

Palintology 101

Sarah Palin will never hold national office, nor will any Republican at the presidential level for a long time to come. Why? Because America has uneducated jerks in it but is not a nation of uneducated jerks. The Republicans are done, hoisted on the petard of their own “southern strategy.”