“REAL” Americans

The “REAL” America Sarah Palin enthuses about to small town America as if she were talking to five year old children can best be understood by its two major differences: yurr Pro-Amerricans, and also yurr Anti-Americans. Pro Amerricans love America, also Anti-Americans hate America. Also, Pro-Amerricans love our flag, Anti-Americans also hate our flag. Pro-Amerricans also hate terrorists, Anti-Americans arrrrrrrrre Terrorists.

Palin on SNL: Delicious.

One of the functions of humor is to help all of us take ourselves less seriously.

But political satire has every bit as important a blade to wield as political analysis. People who were apprehensive about Palin’s appearance on a comedy show were-so because they see nothing remotely “funny” about her candidacy; rather do they see unmitigated disaster for our country should McCain-Palin manage to wheedle their way into the White House.

Operation Dumbo Drop

Should Sarah Palin be dropped from the Republican ticket? David Brooks at The New York Times: Is Sarah Palin qualified to be vice president? Most conservatives say yes, on the grounds that something that feels so good could not possibly be wrong. But a few commentators, like George Will, Charles Krauthammer, David Frum and Ross Douthat demur, suggesting in different …

November’s LIAR Comes Early

LIAR Magazine is working overtime.  But then, so is Sarah Six-Pack. I like LIAR Magazine.  I subscribe.  It’s good to know who’s telling the biggest, most outrageous lies in a world beset by falsehood and deceit on every side. One specific thing I like about LIAR Mag: they think that someday, maybe not in our lifetimes, but someday when the …

Glossolalia Government

If you are a parent, or have had the responsibility of raising a human being from infancy through childhood, you have had the opportunity to observe language become comprehensible to mind. It is truly an amazing process to behold to watch mind achieve self-conscious understanding.  And it teaches you this: Every human being born into this world has spoken in …

The Voice of HATE

“Hate is the shadow of fear; revenge the mask of cowardice.” —Jesus Sam Stein “Barack Obama’s attacks on Americans who support John McCain reveal far more about him than they do about John McCain. It is clear that Barack Obama just doesn’t understand regular people and the issues they care about. He dismisses hardworking middle class Americans as clinging to …

Hockey Mom Found Guilty Of Abuse Of Power

Fugue* Magazine is on top of the story. Despite the best attempts of the McCain campaign to derail a bipartisan commission looking into Alaska Governor Sarah Palin‘s role in forcing a former official out of office for not firing her ex-brother in law, Sainted Sarah was found guilty of abusing her power and violating state ethics statutes. Pausing briefly from …