Make Donald Drumpf Again

Hey, if Making America Great Again means destroying the most obstructionist political party in modern history, then Drumpf Is The Man.

Rethug Scandophiles

 Impatience is a spirit poison; anger is like a stone hurled into a hornet’s nest. 
–The Urantia Book

Washington Monthly’s Ed Kilgore writes :

Even as “investigators” seek without much success so far to find evidence that the IRS scrutiny of applications for 501(c)(4) status represents a vast political conspiracy—one that might have changed the outcome of the 2012 election, no less—the aggrieved Tea Party Movement is taking action…

I would have hoped everybody has figured out by now that the Tea Party Movement is not some news-from-nowhere citizens uprising that’s recruiting previously apolitical Americans in a battle against Washington, but a large, radicalized segment of the conservative “base” of the GOP (none the less Republican for the self-identified independent status of many Tea Folk, who vote Republican very loyally but don’t want to identify with it because they don’t trust it is or will remain sufficiently conservative). As such, it is much less a threat to the Democratic Party than to the GOP—insofar as Republicans have political objectives that don’t always coincide with the truculant and ideologically extreme attitudes of the activist “base.”

Precisely. The recent hyperventialtions by the Rethug Scandophiles are less a threat to the Obama Administration than it is to the Rovian wing of the Grand Obstructionist Party. A point we have been trying to make here repeatedly.

Or as Willie might have said: Go for it:

“Lay on, McDuff, and be damned he who first cries, ‘Hold, enough!”

-William Shakespeare, Macbeth

Cheap White Whines

I can only believe a bonafide tea-billy did the copy work here, what with half a dozen ugly typos on the back label alone.

The Next Plateau

IT IS AS IF you climbed with difficulty and reached a plateau where you could rest and consolidate your gains for awhile and gather strength through an inner, eternal voice. You go on and up with so much less dross until you reach another plateau;  you arrive a little weary, but with the most wondrous sense that you are stronger;  …

Draining The Murdoch Swamp: A Shakespearean Tragedy

Rupey’s nah ah bad boy, he’s jist been a littol undah the weathah.” If you want to smell the swamp, you must click it. While standard evolutionary theory has it that humans descended from warm blooded mammals, the predatory acts of the world’s most powerful media tycoon, Rupert Murdoch, suggests that somewhere along the way a mutant strain of humanity …

The Paranoid Stylings Of Glenn Beck

Solange Uwimana over at Media Matters draws our attention to an interesting conjunction between Glenn Beck and the late Richard Hofstadter : The year Glenn Beck was born, Harper’s published an essay by Richard Hofstadter in which the historian explained a “style of mind” common among “extreme right-wingers” of his time. He referred to it as “the paranoid style” for …

The Three Witches

  Reading the following description from Wikipedia of The Three Witches, I just couldn’t help but be reminded of the three crones depicted above.* The Three Witches represent darkness, chaos, and conflict, while their role is as agents and witnesses. Their presence communicates treason and impending doom. During Shakespeare’s day, witches were seen as worse than rebels, “the most notorious …