Taking Credit For Bin Laden’s Death

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Obama Takes Credit for Bin Laden’s Assassination www.colbertnation.com Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog Video Archive Stephen ruminates on the aftermath of the Obama Administration’s elimination of the the world’s most wanted criminal In response to  Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and other Fux News asshats getting their knickers …

Taking Trump To The Dump (Update)

After enjoying weeks of prime time media exposure for his pandering to the Birthers’ crazy conspiracy theories, which did have the effect of  rocketing him to the the top tier of GOP presidential candidates (what does that tell ya), Donald Trump got his just desserts Saturday night at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Leading the televised evisceration was President Obama …

Christian Taliban To Burn Qu’rans

Christian Taliban leader Terry Jones burned in effigy in Afghanistan This Saturday on the ninth anniversary of 9/11, members of a small Muslim hating Christian group, ironically called Dove World Outreach Church, plan to burn a pile of Qu’rans to demonstrate their hatred of Islam. It’s not like we haven’t been down this road before. Five years ago reports of …

Maverick Meets Memory Hole

“I have never considered myself a POW maverick”– John McCain Apparently, Senator John McCain (Rethug- AZ) is ditching his carefully cultivated image as a maverick because it brands him in Teabagger eyes as someone who won’t adhere to a rigid party orthodoxy. In a related story, Usama bin Laden released a new audio tape denying that he is, or ever …

Afutilestan (VII): The Great Game Revisited

Geography is destiny, Napoleon is reported to have said. I began to appreciate that political truism early on, thanks to marathon games of  Risk I  played as a kid.  According to Wikipedia, Risk was originally released in France in 1957, as La Conquête du Monde—The Conquest of the World. It was likely modeled on the period of history that historians …


The contents of General McCrystal’s top-down review of Afghanistan ordered by President Obama found its way into the front pages of the NY Times and Washington Post today. As expected, it paints a grim picture and calls for more of everything– more troops, more money, more nation building– on top of the $ 4 billion a month we’re already spending …

Cheney Agrees To Star In Memento Remake

Dick Cheney reprising the role of Guy Pearce So where are you?  You’re in some motel room underground bunker. You just – you just wake up and you’re in – in a motel room bunker. There’s the key. It feels like maybe it’s just the first time you’ve been there, but perhaps you’ve been there for a week, three months. …