Forgive Me If I Speak Bluntly.

Forgive Me If I Speak Bluntly.  Life has a way of making life-changing decisions manifest out of the most unlikely circumstances. Just such a circumstance is at hand. What you make of it is entirely up to you.

John McCain

John McCain was the sometimes Episcopalian, sometimes Baptist Christian, who got his religion the old fashion way— by praying in a situation where his ass was on the line. And frankly, it was among the most exciting come-to-Jesus moments one may have, I think.

National INQUISITOR: 500 CRIMES & 5,000 LIES

Nature abhors a vacuum, so there’s a new shit rag in town, the National INQUISITOR©.


WASHINGTON D.C. —  Like many things emanating out of Washington, the notion that the town was originally “built on a swamp” isn’t based on fact, or truth.  That does not prevent the rapacious liars now infesting it from eschewing all fact and truth from their daily defamations.


The auditorium fell silent as Trump immediately began showering praise on “the Prince,” calling him a “very talented guy,” a “smart guy,” and a “very fiery negotiator.”  He also complimented Satan’s “great personality,” saying, “He has a very, very warm heart, that I can tell you.”

Pressin’ The Chikin Franchise Flesh

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pruitt pressed some “CHIKIN” franchise flesh recently, while spreading a little moral turpitude in Morocco.*