Riding Easy, Riding Forever.

“You know I smoked a lotta grass. Oh Lord!  I popped a lot of pills. But I never touched nothin’ that my spirit could kill.”  — Easy Rider


December 3rd marks my discovery of The Urantia Book 45 years ago.  I still take a chunk of the day to reflect on what has happened in my life, since that momentous discovery. 


EDITOR’S NOTE: Historians are largely in agreement that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ probably occurred on Nisan 14, (April 7), according to the Gospel of John. The Urantia Book confirms this date, expanding the information to include many details of the events which unfolded during those monumental days around April, 7, A.D. 30. The following account is from a recently …

The Real Burial And Resurrection Of Jesus

All five of the women sat down on the stone near the entrance and talked over the situation; it had not yet occurred to them that Jesus had been resurrected.

Do You Really Know What Love Is?

           Do you know what love is?   God is Love— but love is not God. The greatest manifestation of divine love for mortal beings is his divine gift bestowal of the Spirit in us, but our greatest revelation of the Father’s love is seen in the bestowal life of his Son Michael as he lived on …

Top 5 Reasons Why You And The Dude Should Read The Urantia Book

So dude— how’re those New Year’s Resolutions working out for you. . . Still weigh the same? (Me too.) Still self-medicating too much? (Yeah.) Still not exercising (bowling is not exercise) every day? (Me either.) Maybe you should just read a great book instead. A real l l l l ly great book.