Super Bowl 50 Not So Super for Jeb!

During Super Bowl 50, when Bernie Sanders was the Denver Bronco defense and Jeb! Bush was the Carolina Panthers offense, somebody thought it was a good idea to spend $5 million to run a commercial for Jeb!, featuring his village idiot brother.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Part 1

“This might be seen as a sign that the American right has finally crossed the border into looney-land.” Perhaps observations from the field of cognitive science, the Dunning-Kruger effect, can help explain why.

The Powell Memo: Part II

It’s been a pretty straight line from the Powell Manifesto, to Citizens United, to the rise of anonymous billionaire financed Superpacs. As the crowded GOP presidential race has shown, there are no shortage of opportunists willing to prostitute themselves for a place at the table.

The Powell Memo: Part I

In an historical arc that began almost forty years earlier, Citizens United was the culmination of actions promulgated in The Powell Memo, aka The Powell Manifesto.

Is It Over For Grover?

In a front page story Tuesday titled For Tax Pledge and Its Author, a Test of Time, the NY Times meditates on the prospects of Grover “Poopy Head” Grover following the decisive defeat of the GOP in the 2012 presidential elections.

The article begins thusly:

Next to the oath of office, it has been perhaps the most important commitment that Republicans in Congress can make. It is called simply “the Pledge,” and its enforcer is such a fixture in the party that he is known simply by his first name, Grover.

But the pledge and its creator, Grover Norquist, a 56-year-old conservative lobbyist, have never before faced a test as they do now. The federal deficit stands at $1 trillion. The social safety net continues to grow — and, in the case of Medicare and Social Security, remains hugely popular. And unless the two parties can agree on a fiscal plan before Jan. 1, hundreds of billions of dollars of tax increases will go into effect automatically, meaning that Congress does not even need to act for taxes to rise.

The combination means that Mr. Norquist, whose long record of success is a rarity in Washington, finds himself in a tricky spot. Some top Republicans, including Speaker John A. Boehner, are saying they now agree with Democrats that the government must collect more tax revenue. Others have gone so far as to break with Mr. Norquist publicly.

By Mr. Norquist’s count, 219 House members — enough for a majority — and 39 senators have committed to the pledge. But some of those members who signed on, many of them years ago, have started to back away, apparently leaving him several votes shy of the majority he would need to block any tax increase.

The last broad-based tax increase the Rethugs supported was 22 years ago, signed into law by George H.W. Bush.  So it may be a bit early to write his political epitaph.

For instance, mid-term elections like the one coming up in 2014 historically favor the losers of the previous presidential election. And Citizens United will continue to pump ungodly amounts of money into GOP campaigns. Presumably, the 43 billionaires who supported Mitt Romney will know better than to naively dump all their money on political hucksters like Karl Rove and Dick Armey.

Nonetheless, exit polls from Nov. 6 show a growing majority of voters supporting tax increases on the rich to help bring the deficit under control and to preserve vital safety net programs for the poor and middle class. While I don’t believe I’ve ever before quoted John McCain clone Lindsey Graham favorably, he did state the obvious when he told the Washington Post:

The demographics race we’re losing badly. We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

Hear that, Poopy Head?

Hurricane Willard: No Apologies

The roar of ignorant applause merges seamlessly into the roaring winds of Hurricane Sandy in this iconic anti-Romney mash up from  

According to the Rethugs, climate change is:

1. A hoax

2. A joke

It’s been obvious for a long time that their standard bearer, one Willard Mitt Romney, is a man who believes that the end justifies the means. The end in this case is the US presidency, and the means his willingness to say anything to any audience to capture it. If for nothing else, his campaign will be remembered for having set a new standard in micro-targeting deception.

An early supporter of a market based cap and trade approach to mitigate global warming, Romney capitulated to the fossil fuel industry funded, anti-science wing of his party in order to secure their support. Nowhere is that more apparent than in his lame attempt to ridicule President Obama’s (mostly muted) concern about climate change during his acceptance speech last August to the the Republican National Convention.

When political scientists and media pundits look back at the 2012 election and analyze the quality and the unprecedented amount of its political advertising, I hope they give the above commercial from it’s due. It’s brutal juxtaposition of Romney’s vacuous words and nature’s merciless deeds is a fitting coda to a campaign born of selfish ambition, and run on lies and deceptions unprecedented in modern political history.

One might suppose that Romney wished he could take back that bit of cheap pandering to the RNC crowd, but that would assume a fact not in evidence: a man of critical self-reflection with the ability to admit mistakes. I suppose he could always blame his speech writers– oh, wait. Didn’t he dismiss three professionals before, at the last minute, deciding to co-author the speech with his top aide, Stuart Stevens? Surprising that someone who believes himself to be a business genius doesn’t know that ya get what ya pay for.

Hubris has a penchant for giving way to irony, and often tragedy. Beyond Mitt’s personal tragedy of being exposed as a lying corporate raider with no clothes (magic underwear exempted), the real tragedy is what his campaign has done to the character of the American politics. The 2012 election has been a perfect storm that, thanks to the US Supreme Court Citizens United ruling, saw unlimited amounts of often anonymous cash fuel the ruthless, grandiose ambitions of a secretive plutocrat whose sense of entitlement comes from both the circumstances of his birth and his religion’s religious tradition, Mormonism’s so-called White Horse Prophecy. As Ann Romney told Barbara Walters about their prospects for occupying the White House: “It’s our turn…”

Win or lose, Hurricane Willard will have left mountains of trash in its path. For which, to borrow from the title of his autobiography, there will be No Apology.

Romney’s Parallel Universe Machine (Update)

For the man who has everything (except the presidency) , this handy device takes less energy than an Etch-a-Sketch to alter reality

The fallout from Mitt Romney‘s lies about President Obama shipping U.S. jobs to China continued yesterday as General Motors spokesman Greg Martin told The Detroit Free Press:

We’ve clearly entered some parallel universe during these last few days. No amount of campaign politics at its cynical worst will diminish our record of creating jobs in the U.S. and repatriating profits back to this country.”

Huffpo describes  it thus:

Mitt Romney’s round of highly dubious television and radio ads suggesting that Chrysler and GM are shipping American jobs to China has managed to offend both car companies….

The day before, meanwhile, Chrysler Group LLC CEO Sergio Marchionne penned a letter to the Detroit News insisting that there was no validity to the idea that the company was shipping Jeep production overseas. Instead, he noted, the company was looking to open new factories in China to meet increasing demand there.

Used to be that when a political campaign got caught with its pants down, it would mumble an apology or at least have the good sense to STFU.  Not this generation of Rethugs. Instead, they double down, drop their undies and moon  the world.:

The Romney campaign has showed no willingness to back off the suggestion that American Jeep workers may end up losing their jobs. In fact, the campaign has released a radio ad in Ohio to complement the one it has on television there that repeats the insinuation.

Which of course is entirely consistent with their adoption of the Big Lie strategy that Goebbels found so effective. What really makes it work though is constant repetition, made possible by Citizens United and the unlimited amounts money provided by plutocrat billionaires like the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson who think so much of themselves that they’re intent in re-making the US in their own distorted image.

At the close of Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked:

“Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?”

  “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

What we are witnessing this election is no less than a battle for the very soul of the country.  We are right at that tipping point Franklin referred to.  Will we continue to be an admittedly flawed  representative government, where the democratic principle of one person, one vote prevails, and the belief that free speech is not measured in personal and corporate wealth?  Or will be become just another oligarchy run by greedy and power-hungry billionaires who have more in common with Ayn Rand than the Founders, who promised “to promote the general welfare” at home and maintain “a decent respect to the opinions of mankind” abroad.

The prospect of four more years of The Black Man in The White House is enough to send the Rethugs over the edge, despite record corporate profits and huge increases in the personal wealth of the top 1%.

The Koch Brothers spent $25 million between 2005-2008 alone, fighting every attempt to regulate climate-changing green house gases, the byproduct of their energy extraction companies.  The results are super-storms like Sandy that just killed some 74 people (and counting), traumatized millions more, and wreaked $50 billion (and counting) in property damage.

And now they’re on the cusp of getting one of their own into, arguably, the most powerful office in the world.  A say-anything politician and his Darwinian running mate that want to privatize FEMA disaster relief by further cutting the social safety net to pay for it.  How’s that for Bizarro World logic?

Somehow I think that when these traitors to the planet are called to account for their crimes they will have so deluded themselves about their assumed natural superiority and moral rightness that they will find no contrition in their hearts, and thus no need for mercy from the real Powers That Be.

 But when mercy is exhausted, when the “memory” thereof testifies to its depletion, then does justice prevail and righteousness decree. For mercy is not to be thrust upon those who despise it; mercy is not a gift to be trampled under foot by the persistent rebels of time.

The Urantia Book

I want to be around for that.  Meanwhile, a little justice and righteousness would be a good thing right now.

[Image found here.]

UPDATE: (11/1 @ 1:25 pm) Exxon and Shell just announced they made $16 billion in profits during the last quarter alone.

And here’s a reminder of what a dick Romney is on the issue of climate change.