BP Unleashes Obama Derangement Volcano

Geraldo Rivera interviewing Moonbat Bachmann on Fux News Ever since Rep. Joe Barton apologized to BP CEO Tony Hayward for having to endure a “shakedown” by the White House when they agreed to set up a $20b escrow fund to compensate man and nature for unleashing an oil volcano in the Gulf of Mexico, the winger noise machine has taken …

The Neuro-Cognitive Wisdom Of George Costanza

Given that cognitive scientists believe that up to 95% of our thinking processes are unconscious, with our 400 million year old lizard brain dominating our half million year old rational brain; given that the lizard brain has as its number one priority the perpetuation of the species (demonstrated in males by the power that the little head exercises over the …

Rand Paul Just Can’t Help Himself

After realizing he stepped in it with Rachel Maddow over his stance that private business should be exempted from the Civil Rights law, Rand Paul went on Good Morning America and in this account by TPM, tried to steer: …the conversation toward something more recent, President Obama’s criticism of BP following the oil spill. Paul said: “This sort of, you …

Newt To The Rescue

Newt Returns To Save America In my post a year ago, Terrified Beyond The Capacity For Rational Thought, I wrote: Make no mistake about it. Like the angry Sumerian god Gozer the Traveler, who made a dramatic comeback after being temporarily forced into inter-dimensional exile by the Proton Pack wielding Ghostbusters, Newtie is back with a vengeance… All Newtie has …

Na’vi Announce icuPAD

While Apple and Google are busy dueling with each other over their silly little tablets, the “fictional” Na’vi Techno giant of Pandora, Ooogle, announced the release of their revolutionary icuPAD.

Grayson To Cheney: STFU

Using the same words in the US Constitution that defines treason— aid and comfort to the enemy— former VP Darth Cheney (wheezing in a way I haven’t heard before), lashed out at President Obama in his tireless campaign to influence the jury pool preparatory to his inevitable indictment as a war criminal.