Frankenly Speaking

Well, Norm, the jokes on you Just want to congratulate Al Franken not only for his hard won victory per today’s MN Supreme Court ruling; but for the political class he has showed during the whole sorry-ass, post-election ordeal. Hard to think of another US senator, let alone a rookie, who has been the target of so much Rethuglican obstructionism, …

Funambulist In Chief

Despite receiving a thumbs up from a number of conservative foreign policy observers, and the public at large, for his handling of the current Iranian domestic turmoil, the wingers seem to have settled on a narrative that President Obama has been too timid in his response to same. It was a theme dutifully picked up by the MSM at Tuesday’s …

False Equivalency

Tweety during his silver tongued false equivalency rant On his Hardball show  yesterday, Chris Matthews did a segment called The Hate Machine about the dog whistle relationship between right wing extremists and their “conservative” enablers in the media. Though he didn’t mention the inciters by name, I will– O’Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, and Beck being just the most prominent hate …

Anti-Obama Buckaroos

Sean “Horse Apples” Hannity and Bill “Tiny Gerkin” OReilly are two Irish Blagards who would love to see President Obama destroy America, just so they could say “I told you so.” But if you can overlook that snit of insanity, you have to admit, they’re just too cute not to like, aren’t they?

Terrified Beyond The Capacity For Rational Thought (Updated)

Newt Gingrich as the avenging Sumerian god, Gozer the Traveler In their devastating November 4th defeat at the hands of an inexperienced, junior senator from Illinois, the Rethuglicans are in desperate search of a leader, someone that can match the intelligence, boldness, charm, and overwhelming popularity of Barack Hussein Obama. While their own humiliated presidential candidate, the anachronistic John McCain …

The Divine Miss P: Running With God

Sarah Reagan vies for control of the Republican Party Thanks to the legacy of the failed Bush presidency and the electoral landslide it produced for the Democrats, the Republicans are convening in Miami today to figure out wtf to do next. No doubt returning to the glory days of the Reagan Administration will be a major theme. But not even …

Republicans Eating Their Own, Update IV: The Aftermath

The Grand Oil Party slogging through the political wilderness Updating my initial compilation of the Obamacans (Republicans for Obama ) is becoming quite the task. Add endorsements from the likes of W’s former Secretary of State Colin Powell and press spokesman Scotty McClellan; former Reagan’s UN Secretary Kenneth Adleman; former McCain adviser Charles Fried; former Minnesota Republican Governor William Weld; …