This Week In Fake Fake News

WASHINGTON D.C. — Now that we have a self-flagellating Liar-in-Chief who plays golf every week on your dime and has blown out the first family security budget in less than two months just to keep Milania a safe distance from his gelatinous girth, we can get on with trying to figure out what “alternative facts” are simply fake news, and what stories are actually …

Stick It Up Your Ass, Little Man

Hello, Little Man… Sure heard a bunch about you… lately, anyway.

Bachmann Goes Goth

Michele Bachmann’s latest attempt to protect her reputation as a “balloon head” raised eyebrows and set off stud detectors at Minn. International Airport.

Giant Pinhead O’Reilly P’wned By Homer Simpson

Giant Pinhead, Bill O’Really starts to cry as fictional cartoon character, Homer Simpson, totally kicks his ass.

Tea Party Mobilizes

The Dog Days of summer have come and gone, and a new issue of TEA BAG is in hand.

Vogons Step Into BP Spill

President Barack Obama and BP CEO Tony Hayward at a surprise meeting with Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz of the Galactic Hyperspace Planning Council. If you want to hear the poem, you must click it. VOGSPHERE — President Barack Obama met Wednesday in an unscheduled consultation with BP CEO Tony Hayward, and Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz of the Galactic Hyperspace Planning Council, to …