George Bush the candidate warned us that he decried nation-building. After invading Iraq, the justifications for doing so devolved from looking for weapons of mass destruction to spreading democracy, even if we had to kill a million or so people to “gitter done.” But the world did not heave a collective sigh of relief. People smarter than George Bush have …

Will The Press Ever Give McCain a Break?

For weeks on end, Senator John McCain, the valiant warrior/hero of our last interminable war, has borne the torturous brunt of the MSM’s obsession with his plans for continuing the Iraq War indefinitely, our worsening economic catastrophuck, and his recent spate of “senior moments,” which they insinuate reveals his funda-mental inability to understand the dynamics of the Middle East. The …


A smiling Barack Obama shows off his choice for veep to a captivated Chicago crowd, Friday. CHICAGO— In a stunning and solemn signal to Republicans and more importantly rogue nations around the globe, Barack Obama announced his choice for the vice-presidential slot on the Democratic ticket early today. GORT, spelled with all caps, stands for “Galactic Order Robot Tool,” and …

Con Nuestro Gran Amigo Obama!

IF YOU BELIEVE the MSM, Hispanics are giving Heallarry Cleantone the margin of victory in Texas because they think she’s, what. . . blonde? No, dooshbagettes, becuss chi hiss de spouze of Beeel Cleantone. But AP reports a Fox News poll conducted Feb 26-28 of likely Democratic voters showed con nuestro gran amigo Obama leads among all men in Texas, …

Clinton: I’ll Clean Up After Bush Dynasty

Clinton says she’ll clean up after Bush dynasty Fri Feb 1, 2008 12:01am EST LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Former First Lady Hillary Clinton addressed the question of political dynasties on Thursday with a one-liner that she hoped would allay concerns over two families dominating the White House for decades if she becomes president next year. Clinton, a Democratic senator from …

Pick Your Junk

Think You Want This Junk? Cindy McCane with husband John Top Gun “Maverick” McCane Junk is battle-worn, seventy-two, cranky Contradicts own sworn testimony War with rest of world “just an unfortunate fact of life” Abortion: Nevah, nevah, nevah Believes in evolution Espouses Episcopalian and Southern Baptist Christianity   How About This? Co-Commanders-in-Chief Clinton Junk is ambitious, sixty-one, double X, comes …