Chump Change

Sheldon Potter meets with President Barack Bailey at an undisclosed location. Lemme make myself perfectly clear. I own this election.  Do you know what that means? It means I own you, yer stinking government charade, and this stinking country fulla stinking surfs. Do you have any idea what it means to have 24 billion dollars? It means I answer to …


 “If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.” —Ted Nugent “If you gotta problem with Ted Nugent, you’re an IDIOT!” —Ted Nugent “With the Mao Zedong fan club in the White House, a clueless, rookie president hellbent on spending like a maniac as unprecedented debt piles …

Etch-A-Sketch Romney

 Dissing your base Talk about stepping on your own message. A decisive win in the Illinois primary, the much coveted endorsement by former Florida governor Jeb Bush that was supposed to signal the end game of the GOP primary in which Republicans would finally rally around a single opponent for the hated Barack Obama, all were subsumed by a truthful …

Herman Cain: Bizarro World’s Robbin’ Hood (Koch Bros Update)

  The Teabagger’ search for the anti-Romney has been a long and frustrating one. First came Michelle Bachmann. After winning the way overrated Ames Iowa Straw Poll in the same week she was featured on the cover of Newsweek as “The Queen of Rage,” staring into the camera like the batshit crazy religious zealot she is. In near record time she plummeted …

Republicans— You’re Not Helping

Why won’t we rid ourselves of these troublesome hypocrites?

Candid Bachmann Photos Turn Up On Internets

A happy pair of Bachmanns in their StillWater Minn. kitchen; looks like another loaf of fresh-baked bs is ready.

Stick It Up Your Ass, Little Man

Hello, Little Man… Sure heard a bunch about you… lately, anyway.